“We believe that whatever we do must be good for Community, good for Country, good for Climate, good for Customer – only then will it be good for Company.”
− Sukanto Tanoto −

As one of the pioneers of the smallholder partnership scheme in Indonesia, Asian Agri today works with 30,000 smallholders representing 85,000 hectares of smallholder plantations. Asian Agri has the capacity, knowledge and experience essential to establishing strong and mutually beneficial working relationships with oil palm smallholders.
With its wealth of experience partnering smallholder estates, Asian Agri started a capacity building program for independent smallholders with the aim to improve the livelihoods of independent smallholders, raise industrial productivity and improve environmental management.
Asian Agri’s engagement with independent smallholders includes guidance on the formation of cooperatives, fostering a sense of togetherness, providing agricultural knowledge such as the recommended use of fertilizers, and other forms of assistance such as seeds and financing infrastructure improvements.
Smallholder cooperatives
By forming cooperatives smallholders can share knowledge, skills and equipment: something Asian Agri works hard to support. In 2013 we helped Amanah Association, a cooperative of 349 smallholders, become the first such group in Indonesia to earn certification from the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.
Training and equipment
Increasing efficiency is key to raising yields and improving the economy of local communities. Through improved management, instruction in farming best practices, and the provision of higher yielding seeds, Asian Agri continues to work with independent smallholders to help them perform more effectively.