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Pelalawan, 28 August 2024 – Asian Agri, through one of its business units, PT Inti Indosawit Subur – Buatan Group (PT IIS), has provided oil palm seedlings to the Arsya Ganeeta Indonesia (AGI) Oil Palm Vocational School. The event took place on the grounds of AGI Oil Palm Vocational School in Pangkalan Kerinci District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau, on Tuesday, 27 August 2024.

“This assistance of seedlings reflects the company’s commitment to education, particularly to vocational schools specialising in oil palm, aligning with Asian Agri’s core business as an oil palm plantation company. The seedlings provided are intended not for commercial purposes but for educational use by the students of SMK Kelapa Sawit Arsya Ganeeta Indonesia (AGI Oil Palm Vocational School),” stated Eko Budi Christyanto, CSR Coordinator for Asian Agri in Riau.

The assistance includes 1,250 excellence Topaz oil palm seedlings, developed by Asian Agri over many years. These excellence Topaz seedlings have been tested and proven on both organic and mineral soils and exhibit greater resistance to Ganoderma basal stem disease.

“This assistance not only reflects our commitment to education but also embodies Asian Agri’s vision as an oil palm plantation manager focused on sustainable practices. We are dedicated to implementing sustainability principles across all our operations. This initiative demonstrates our accountable, responsible, and sustainable behaviour, aligning with our efforts to create a positive impact on society and the environment,” remarked Marpituah Saragih, Group Manager of PT Inti Indosawit Subur (PT IIS).

In addition to the seedlings, Asian Agri also donated various tools and materials for nursery installation, including polybags, wire, PVC pipes, and shade netting, as well as various types of fertilisers. The students of AGI Oil Palm Vocational School showed great enthusiasm for the assistance. Asian Agri representatives observed their practical preparation activities, from bed preparation to filling polybags with soil as a growing medium for the Topaz seedlings.

“We extend our gratitude to Asian Agri for their participation in this assistance. The assistance is intended for use by AGI Oil Palm Vocational School, the only vocational school specialising in oil palm in Indonesia, for practical oil palm nursery activities. We hope that AGI Oil Palm Vocational School will strengthen human resources in the oil palm sector in Indonesia moving forward,” concluded the Head of AGI Foundation, Muhammad Syafii, in his speech.

About Asian Agri

Asian Agri is one of Indonesia’s leading national private companies producing crude palm oil (CPO) since 1979. To date, Asian Agri manages 100,000 hectares of oil palm plantations and employs over 20,000 people.

As a pioneer of the Indonesian Government’s Smallholder Transmigration Core Plantation Program (PIR-Trans), Asian Agri has partnered with 30,000 plasma smallholders in Riau and Jambi who manage 60,000 hectares of oil palm plantations. Additionally, the company fosters partnerships with independent smallholders to bring positive impacts on their welfare and economic improvement.

By implementing a zero-burning policy and sustainable plantation management practices, Asian Agri helps smallholders increase productivity, crop yields, supply chain traceability and supports them in obtaining certifications. Asian Agri’s factories utilize state-of-the-art technology harnessing self-generated green energy to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

All business units under the umbrella of Asian Agri have obtained ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certification. Currently, Asian Agri’s core plantations in North Sumatra, Riau, and Jambi provinces, as well as plasma smallholders plantations in Riau and Jambi provinces, are 100% RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified. Simultaneously, ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) has been achieved for all plantations owned by Asian Agri and its partner farmers.

Asian Agri’s success as one of the leading CPO producers has been internationally recognized with ISO 14001 certification for all its operations. The Learning Institute in Pelalawan, Riau, and the seedling center in Kampar, Riau, are also ISO 9001 certified. Furthermore, Asian Agri’s research and development center in Tebing Tinggi has been certified by the International Plant-Analytical Exchange at the WEPAL lab at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, ensuring high standards.

For further information, please contact:
Lidya Veronica, Media Relation Asian Agri