Pontianak, 20 September 2024 – Asian Agri, a leading palm oil plantation company and seed producer in Indonesia, introduced its high-yielding DxP Topaz seedlings at the 4th Indonesian Palm Oil Smallholders Conference & Expo 2024 (IPOSC 2024), held on 19-20 September 2024 at the Aston Pontianak Hotel & Convention Center, Pontianak, West Kalimantan.
In that occasion, the Head of Plant Breeding Asian Agri, Yopy Dedywiryanto, explained, “The high-yielding DxP Topaz seedlings are the result of decades of research and development in our breeding program, dating back to 1992. They have been proven to significantly increase Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) yield, making them an excellent choice for oil palm farmers looking to replant.”
The IPOSC 2024, themed “Integrated Efforts to Increase People’s Palm Oil Production,” garnered significant public attention, particularly at the Asian Agri booth showcasing the DxP Topaz seedlings.
According to Yopy, the DxP Topaz seedlings exhibited at the IPOSC 2024 comprise four varieties: Topaz 1 (dura Deli x pisifera Nigeria), Topaz 2 (dura Deli x pisifera Ghana), Topaz 3 (dura Deli x pisifera Ekona), and Topaz 4 (dura Deli x pisifera Yangambi), all of which have been proven to enhance oil palm plantation productivity.
“The development of the high-yielding DxP Topaz seedlings began with the commitment of the Oil Palm Research Station (OPRS), Asian Agri’s Research and Development Department, to provide the best seedlings to its customers. Since 1992, OPRS has been conducting selections and crosses of selected dura and pisifera parents from Costa Rica (gen-1). From 1996 to 1998, OPRS began planting selected dura and pisifera parents in the Topaz seed garden, along with the first-generation DxP cross combinations. The production potential of the first-generation DxP Topaz crosses over six years (1999-2004) was estimated to yield 16 tons of FFB/Ha at TM1 and an average of 31 tons of FFB/Ha at TM3 to TM6, with an Oil Extraction Rate (OER) potential of 22%. Based on this potential, OPRS Topaz obtained varietal release permits for Topaz 1, 2, 3, and 4 according to the Ministerial Decree of The Ministry of Agriculture on 16 January 2004.”
He continued, stating that in line with Asian Agri’s commitment to providing the best for its customers, testing of the high-yielding oil palm seedlings did not stop at the first generation but continued intensively to the second generation and beyond. Based on the results of ongoing testing, customers of Topaz oil palm seedlings will receive increasingly superior DxP Topaz products each year. Currently, only crosses proven to produce 24 tons of FFB/Ha at TM1 and an average of 38 tons of FFB/Ha at TM3 to TM6, with an OER potential of 29%, are selected.
In addition to its high yield per hectare, the DxP Topaz seedlings also possess resistance to basal stem rot caused by the Ganoderma fungus, specifically the Topaz GT variety. This variety obtained a varietal release permit from the Ministry of Agriculture on 1 February 2019. “Therefore, Topaz seedlings are high-yielding oil palm seedlings that have been proven to increase the productivity of oil palm plantations and are also resistant to Ganoderma attacks, making Topaz seedlings the preferred choice for smallholders,” said Yopy.
“We have deliberately come all the way from OPRS, located in Petapahan Village, Kampar District, Riau, to Pontianak, West Kalimantan, to introduce the high-yielding DxP Topaz seedlings, a favorite among oil palm smallholders, to visitors at IPOSC 2024. Through this exhibition, we are also opening up and facilitating access for smallholders in Kalimantan to obtain high-quality, high-yielding oil palm seedlings that can significantly increase the productivity of oil palm plantations in Kalimantan,” Yopy concluded.
Topaz seedlings can be purchased by calling the Topaz hotline at 0823-1177-4500 or by emailing topaz@asianagri.com. The selling price for Topaz varieties 1, 2, and 3 is Rp 9,500 per seedling, while the price for the Topaz GT variety is Rp 19,000 per seedling.
Tentang Asian Agri
Asian Agri merupakan salah satu perusahaan swasta nasional terkemuka di Indonesia yang memproduksi minyak sawit mentah (CPO) sejak tahun 1979. Hingga kini Asian Agri mengelola 100.000 hektar kebun kelapa sawit dan mempekerjakan lebih dari 20.000 orang.
Sebagai perintis program Pemerintah Indonesia Perkebunan Inti Rakyat Transmigrasi (PIR-Trans), Asian Agri telah bermitra dengan 30.000 petani plasma di Riau dan Jambi yang mengelola 60.000 hektar kebun kelapa sawit, serta membina kemitraan dengan petani swadaya untuk membawa dampak positif terhadap kesejahteraan dan peningkatan ekonomi petani.
Dengan menerapkan kebijakan tanpa bakar dan praktik pengelolaan kebun secara berkelanjutan, Asian Agri membantu petani mitra untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, hasil panen, kemamputelusuran rantai pasok, sekaligus mendukung mereka memperoleh sertifikasi. Pabrik Asian Agri menerapkan teknologi terbaik memanfaatkan energi hijau yang dihasilkan secara mandiri, dalam rangka meminimalisasi emisi gas rumah kaca.
Seluruh unit bisnis dalam naungan Asian Agri telah memperoleh sertifikat ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil). Saat ini perkebunan inti Asian Agri di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Riau & Jambi serta perkebunan petani plasma di Provinsi Riau & Jambi telah 100% bersertifikat RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil). Pada saat yang sama, ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) telah dicapai oleh seluruh kebun baik yang dimiliki oleh Asian Agri maupun petani binaannya.
Keberhasilan Asian Agri menjadi salah satu perusahaan produsen CPO terkemuka telah diakui secara internasional dengan sertifikasi ISO 14001 untuk semua operasinya. Learning Institute di Pelalawan, Riau, serta pusat pembibitan di Kampar, Riau, juga telah bersertifikat ISO 9001. Selain itu, pusat penelitian dan pengembangan Asian Agri di Tebing Tinggi juga telah memperoleh sertifikasi oleh International Plant-Analytical Exchange di lab WEPAL di Wageningen University di Belanda, untuk standar yang tinggi.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi:
Lidya Veronica, Media Relation Asian Agri
E-mail : lidya_veronica@asianagri.com