Skip to main content, Jakarta – The acceleration of stunting reduction in children under five (balita) is a priority programme of the Indonesian Government, as outlined in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024. To achieve the national prevalence target of 14 percent, the involvement of companies across various sectors is essential.

Asian Agri has long been committed to programmes aimed at reducing stunting, particularly in terms of improving nutrition for mothers and children. Additionally, since 2023, Asian Agri has partnered with the Tanoto Foundation to collaborate in capacity-building training for Family Assistance Team (TPK) cadres, Posyandu cadres, and PKK cadres. This collaboration also involves working closely with the Task Force for the Acceleration of Stunting Reduction (TPPS) and the Stunting Reduction Acceleration Task Force (Satgas PPS).

This article publish on Warta Kota