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[Koran Sindo, Infosawit, and Go Riau] Asian Agri continues focus on smallholder partnership

By March 16, 2018No Comments

Asian Agri will continue to assist palm oil farmers who are partners with the company, in pursuit of the goal of creating a sustainable national palm oil management system.

This was recently conveyed by Fadhil Hasan, Asian Agri’s Director of Corporate Affairs, during a national palm oil workshop carrying the theme of “Sustainable Smart Plantations”, which was held at the IPB International Convention Centre in Bogor on March 14, 2018.

Asian Agri’s pledge to assisting farmers is shown through its One to One Commitment program, which sees the company helping to manage palm oil plantations owned by Indonesian smallholders, covering a total land area which is equal to the size of Asian Agri’s own plantation.

Palm oil farmers play an important role in meeting both domestic demand and export demand for palm oil. Smallholders currently manage approximately 38 per cent of the 12 million hectares of palm oil plantation land area in Indonesia, and contributed to 31 per cent of palm oil production in 2017.

Asian Agri’s partnership program focuses on increasing farmers’ welfare, promoting economic growth, and preserving the environment.

“The potential to increase production of the farmers’ plantations is feasible, if managed properly,” Fadhil said.

One achievement of the partnership program was the plasma farmers’ success in achieving RSPO certification in 2017.

“Asian Agri, through our One to One Partnership Commitment, will strive to share the success that has been achieved by our plasma farmer partners, so that more independent farmers will be interested to join us in fostering sustainable national palm oil plantation management, as well as the overall success of palm oil farmers in Indonesia,” said Fadhil.

Baca Selengkapnya di: Koran SindoInfosawit dan Go Riau

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