In commemoration of “RGE Founder’s Day 2020”, Asian Agri has conducted a social program to the communities around the company’s operational areas in North Sumatra, Riau and Jambi. The program included the distribution of staple foods, masks, vitamins and plant seeds.
According to CSR Coordinator Asian Agri for Jambi Region, Rudy Jasthon Siahaan, for the Jambi region, the assistance of 400 food packages, 1500 masks and 385 fruit plant seeds be handed over in stages from 27 November to December 2020.
“As an expression of the company’s gratitude, Asian Agri wants to share with the community. This is in line with the company’s vision of becoming one of the largest and best sustainable resource-based companies, creating value for society, the country, the climate, customers and the company”, said Welly Pardede, Head of CSR & HSE Asian Agri.