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Riau Online, Pekanbaru — Asian Agri has expressed its appreciation to its partnered scheme smallholders by distributing certified palm oil sales premiums, amounting to over IDR 3.8 billion in 2023. The premiums were shared among 38 cooperatives (KUDs) representing approximately 15,000 smallholders. The event took place at the Grand Jatra Hotel on Thursday, 12 December 2024.

This premium-sharing programme is a form of recognition by the company for scheme smallholders who have consistently implemented sustainable plantation practices in line with certification standards. One of the first-generation scheme smallholders to receive the premium, Irwan Ritonga, who also serves as the Chairman of KUD Bukit Makmur, highlighted the company’s continued technical assistance in sustainable plantation management.

“I am grateful for my partnership with Asian Agri, which has improved my family’s economic condition, giving me the confidence to extend this partnership. As we enter the second generation, we continue to entrust the development of our plantations (replanting phase) to the company as experts in the field. Like other Asian Agri partner smallholders, I also received assistance in securing BPDPKS funding through the PSR programme. Alongside partnering with the company, we understand the importance of using Topaz superior oil palm seeds, which have been tested and proven for optimal plantation yields,” he explained.

This article published in Riau Online