Topaz seeds are a productive and valuable choice for oil palm cultivation, but ensuring authenticity is key to unlocking their full potential for sustainable growth.
Asian Agri has been authorised to sell its Topaz seed innovation since 2004, and is distributed across Indonesia and globally today. Genuine Topaz seeds are tested and proven to deliver for your plantation business.
Know what they look like:
- Seeds have germinated, with the emerging shoot (the plumule) and the primary root (the radicle) growing in opposite directions. The length of the shoot should be at least 3 millimetres, while the root should range from 3 to 20 millimetres in length. Both should be unbroken and free from brown spots.
- Topaz seeds have exclusive packaging. Its box design is customised for Topaz, and each contains five bags of 200 seedlings, hand chosen for quality control. Sawdust is used in the packaging to keep the seedlings at the required temperature and humidity when distributed.
Know where you got them:
- Topaz seeds are only available by reaching the Asian Agri hotline number or with our official app partner
- Purchases should include government certification to prove authenticity. Topaz 1 to 4 were officially approved for planting by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture on 16 January 2004 (permit numbers 57, 58, 59, and 60/KPTS/SR.120/1/2004). Topaz GT (Ganoderma Tolerant) was approved on 1 February 2019 (permit number 45/KPTB/B.020/2/2019).
Genuine Topaz seeds are “Tested and Proven” to deliver for your plantation business. If you have concerns or need further information on authentic Topaz seeds, the experts at the Asian Agri Topaz hotline can provide assistance.
Exclusive Asian Agri Topaz Hotline: +6282311774500