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Pelalawan, 30 July 2024 – In a concerted effort to accelerate the reduction of stunting rates in Pelalawan Regency, the Pelalawan Regency Government, through the Office of Women’s Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control, and Family Planning (DP3AP2KB), organised a Regency-level Stunting Summit. This event, held at the Pelalawan Regent’s Office Auditorium, was officially inaugurated by the Regent of Pelalawan, Zukri, on Tuesday, 30 July 2024.

In his opening remarks, Zukri highlighted the significance of the stunting summit as a collective responsibility to ensure the optimal growth and development of the nation’s future generations. “Pelalawan Regency has successfully ranked among the top three in stunting reduction in Riau province. Recent data indicates that out of 31,000 children under five years of age who were assessed, only 66 were identified as stunted, bringing the stunting rate in Pelalawan Regency to an estimated 0.2%,” he explained.

“We must focus on the children identified as stunted. The most crucial aspect is intervention and tangible action. I urge the Family Welfare Programme (Family Wellfare Programme) members, corporations, and all stakeholders to actively participate in accelerating stunting reduction,” Zukri continued. He also called on companies within the Pelalawan area to become foster parents for children identified as stunted.

The event also featured the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Pelalawan Regency Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team (TPPS), Tanoto Foundation, and Asian Agri, along with the signing of a joint commitment for the Pentahelix Convergence Action on Stunting in Pelalawan Regency.

Group Manager of PT Inti Indosawit Subur (PT IIS), Marpituah Saragih, affirmed, “We are committed to supporting the reduction of stunting in Pelalawan Regency. This is evidenced by our collaboration with Tanoto Foundation and the local government since 2023 to accelerate the reduction of stunting rates in Pelalawan Regency, particularly in the areas surrounding our company.”

Stunting Reduction Coordinator for Tanoto Foundation, Dedi Triadi, stated, “Tanoto Foundation has demonstrated its commitment and concern for preparing future generations of achievers in Indonesia.”

Zukri further emphasised that the government wishes for more companies to step forward as Asian Agri and Tanoto Foundation have done. “We are grateful for the commitment to accelerating stunting reduction, particularly in Pelalawan Regency, as it reflects support for the government’s efforts,” he concluded.

Asian Agri is dedicated to supporting the acceleration of stunting reduction in Pelalawan Regency through various sustainable programmes and initiatives.

About Asian Agri

Asian Agri is one of Indonesia’s leading national private companies producing crude palm oil (CPO) since 1979. To date, Asian Agri manages 100,000 hectares of oil palm plantations and employs over 20,000 people.

As a pioneer of the Indonesian Government’s Smallholder Transmigration Core Plantation Program (PIR-Trans), Asian Agri has partnered with 30,000 plasma smallholders in Riau and Jambi who manage 60,000 hectares of oil palm plantations. Additionally, the company fosters partnerships with independent smallholders to bring positive impacts on their welfare and economic improvement.

By implementing a zero-burning policy and sustainable plantation management practices, Asian Agri helps smallholders increase productivity, crop yields, supply chain traceability and supports them in obtaining certifications. Asian Agri’s factories utilize state-of-the-art technology harnessing self-generated green energy to minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

All business units under the umbrella of Asian Agri have obtained ISPO (Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil) certification. Currently, Asian Agri’s core plantations in North Sumatra, Riau, and Jambi provinces, as well as plasma smallholders plantations in Riau and Jambi provinces, are 100% RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified. Simultaneously, ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) has been achieved for all plantations owned by Asian Agri and its partner farmers.

Asian Agri’s success as one of the leading CPO producers has been internationally recognized with ISO 14001 certification for all its operations. The Learning Institute in Pelalawan, Riau, and the seedling center in Kampar, Riau, are also ISO 9001 certified. Furthermore, Asian Agri’s research and development center in Tebing Tinggi has been certified by the International Plant-Analytical Exchange at the WEPAL lab at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, ensuring high standards.

For further information, please contact:
Lidya Veronica, Media Relation Asian Agri

About Tanoto Foundation

The Tanoto Foundation is an independent philanthropic organisation in education, established by Sukanto Tanoto and Tinah Bingei Tanoto in 1981, based on the belief that every individual should have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. The foundation’s programs are designed on the philosophy that quality education accelerates equal opportunities.

We develop individual potential and improve quality of life through quality education from early childhood to adulthood. The three pillars of the Tanoto Foundation’s commitment are improving the learning environment, developing future leaders, and facilitating medical research.

For further information, please contact:
Patrick Hutajulu, External Communications Manager Tanoto Foundation