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Indonesia – Asian Agri established the Topaz Oil Palm Research Station (OPRS) as part of its commitment to develop research in supporting the production of quality and productive oil palms. This strategic investment marked an important first step in the success of the plantation business.

OPRS Topaz was set up in 1992 via PT Tunggal Yunus Estate. The research objective of OPRS Topaz is to produce oil palms with superior oil yield and desirable secondary characteristics through a continuous and systematic breeding programs. These programs are implemented with the expertise and support of international and local oil palm researchers with experiences in biotechnology, agronomy, and management of pests and diseases.

The research team from Asian Agri selected and crossbred mother trees from Costa Rica. The resulting mother trees were planted in the Topaz plantation in 1996. In accordance to the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 57, 58, 59 and 60/KPTS/SR.120/I/2004 dated January 16, 2004, Asian Agri secured a permit to distribute, sell and use varieties of the superior oil palm variety DxP Topaz seeds on 31 July 2004 in Pekanbaru, Riau.

Tested Proven on Organic and Mineral Soil

Valuable genetic information was obtained from a trial of first-generation DxP progeny using an interconnected cross design from 223 Deli dura and 50 pisifera from Costa Rica. The DxP ‘test-cross’ progeny were tested at three different sites on both mineral and organic soils, covering more than 600 hectares in North Sumatra and Riau.

Selected Superior Varieties

  • Topaz 1 (dura Deli x pisifera Nigeria)
  • Topaz 2 (dura Deli x pisifera Ghana)
  • Topaz 3 (dura Deli x pisifera Ekona)
  • Topaz 4 (dura Deli x pisifera Yangambi)
  • Topaz GT (moderate tolerant Ganoderma)

Topaz DxP Selection Series (S4)

Topaz DxP Series-4 is derived from the best performing crosses of the DxP Series-3 materials.
This in essence, is “Crème de la Créme” and has the yield potencial of FFB production exceeding 44 tons/ha on the fifth year with the CPO yield of more than 13 tons/ha on fifth year of production or about 7-8 years after planting. The oil extraction rate obtainable at the mill is more than 29% and the kernel yield is more than 4% of the bunch weight.

Topaz GT

Topaz GT is a new variety from the development of the plant material DxP Topaz which is more tolerant to Ganoderma and has a moderate level of tolerance to Ganoderma infection, at 45.7% (range 33.3-49.6%) infection at nursery screening. Its average FFB productivity is 34.5 tons/ha/year and CPO productivity is 9.2 tons/ha/year.

Advantages of DxP Topaz

  • Higher yield
  • Can be harvested in 27 months
  • Relatively resistant to Ganoderma disease
  • High FFB and OER
  • Have a slower vertical growth
  • Able to adapt well to marginal/organic soil

After Sales Service

Asian Agri has dedicated professional teams in and outside the country to provide after-sales service, as a commitment to improving product quality and customer satisfaction.


OPRS Topaz has obtained ISO 9001:2015 (TUV NORD) Quality Management System and ISO 14001:2015 (SGS) Environmental Management certifications.

Asian Agri has also secured a permit for the distribution, sale and use of DxP Topaz 1-4 variety according to the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 57, 58, 59 and 60/KPTS/SR.120/1/2004 dated January 16, 2004 and a permit for the distribution, sale and use of Variety Topaz GT in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 45 /KPTB/KB.020/2/2019 dated February 1, 2019.


DxP Topaz Commercial Production Profile
Graphics of Commercial Production of Bailang Plantation, Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra
Planting Year : 2006  |  Land Area : 286 Ha
Type of Soil : Podzolic  |  SPH : 134 Plants/Ha

Graphics of Commercial Production of Tanjung Selamat Plantation, Labuhanbatu, North Sumatra
Planting Year : 2012  |  Land area : 464 Ha
Type of Soil : Organic  |  SPH : 148 Plants /Ha

FAQ Topaz

Q: What is the name of the seeds produced by Asian Agri and are they sold to customers and where are they sold?
A: The production of superior oil palm varieties D x P Topaz consists of 4 types, namely:

  • Topaz 1 (dura Deli x pisifera Nigeria).
  • Topaz 2 (dura Deli x pisifera Ghana).
  • Topaz 3 (dura Deli x pisifera Ekona).
  • Topaz 4 (dura Deli x pisifera Yangambi).
  • Topaz GT (moderate tolerant Ganoderma)

The D x P Topaz palm seeds are sold to large plantations outside Asian Agri, as well as to small plantations/smallholder groups.

Topaz is officially sold only through the Topaz hotline at, and through official resellers online at Sawit Pro. Please beware of fake products being sold online or from other third-party sources.

Q : What is the difference between Topaz and other brands?
A: Topaz has several advantages :

  • Higher yields
  • Can be harvested in 27 months
  • Relatively resistant to Ganoderma
  • High FFB & high OER
  • Have slower vertical growth
  • Able to adapt well to marginal/organic soil

The above advantages can be more optimally realized through good management practices.

Q : How much do seeds cost?
A : The price of Topaz seed is Rp. 9,500 per item plus an additional 5% allowance of the purchase amount. Sprout collection is from the Pekanbaru Marketing office, but where required, Asian Agri may provide services related to licensing and delivery.

Q : What are the procedures and requirements for purchasing Topaz seeds?
A : The requirements for purchasing Topaz seeds are:

  1. The price of is IDR 9500/grain
  2. Bonus 5% of the purchase amount
  3. Personal purchases supported with ID cards and land certificates
  4. Minimum purchase is 1,000 sprouts
  5. For purchases on behalf of the company, the letter SP2BKS (Letter of Approval for Distribution of Oil Palm Seeds) issued by the local Plantation Office, NPWP, and SPPKP (Taxable Employer Confirmation Letter) is required

The flow of purchasing Topaz seeds :

  1. Send purchase requirements, photocopy of ID card, photocopy of Land Certificate, proof of purchase to email at or via Whatsapp at +62823-1177-4500 (Topaz hotline)
  2. Seeds collection will be scheduled no later than one to two weeks after the necessary submissions and proof of transfer.
  3. Topaz seeds can be picked up at the Pekanbaru office:
    Jalan Soekarno Hatta No. 7-10, Sidomulyo Timur, Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru, Riau, 28125.

Q : How to detect real or fake palm seeds?
A: To avoid fake/illegal D x P Topaz seeds, buyers should buy directly from seed producers (without intermediaries), at the following address:
Kantor Pekanbaru (Seed Marketing Office)
PT. Tunggal Yunus Estate ( Asian Agri Group )
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No: 7-10, Pekanbaru – Riau
Kel. Sidomulyo Timur, Kecamatan marpoyan Damai
Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia – 28125
Telp. 0761-839913-6

Fax. 0761-839917
E-mail :
Topaz Hotline 0823 1177 4500

Q : Are these Topaz seeds officially certified by the Government? What checks have they gone through?
A : Asian Agri has obtained a permit to release superior oil palm variety D x P Topaz varieties in accordance to the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 57, 58, 59 and 60/KPTS/SR.120/I/2004 dated January 16, 2004. The seeds were on sale from July 31, 2004 in Pekanbaru, Riau.

OPRS Topaz has also obtained a certification from SGS for ISO 14001 – 2015 (environmental management system) and also from TUV NORD for ISO 9001:2015 (quality management system) – an indication that the quality of the seeds produced are in accordance with these standards. The D x P Topaz palm seeds have been sold to large plantations outside Asian Agri, as well as to small plantations/smallholder groups.

Q : Can you explain the potential yield of Topaz seed?
A: Topaz material quality depends on the crossbreeding performance where the average production of FFB and CPO produced in the third to sixth years respectively reach 40.5 tons of FFB/ha/year and 12 tons of CPO/ha/year. OER 29.7% and KER 4.1%.

The Topaz material quality improvement program is based on the performance of the progeny trial which started from 2002 to 2018 as many as 41 trials with 1,107 progenies.

Q : Do these Topaz seeds already have an official certificate from the Government or have they gone through some kind of feasibility test?
A : Asian Agri has obtained a permit to release superior oil palm variety D x P Topaz varieties in accordance to the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 57, 58, 59 and 60/KPTS/SR.120/I/2004 dated January 16, 2004. The seeds were on sale from July 31, 2004 in Pekanbaru, Riau; and also the permit for the release of the Topaz GT variety in accordance to the Ministerial Decree RI Agriculture Number 45/KPTS/KB.020/2/2019 dated February 1, 2019.

OPRS Topaz has also obtained a certification from SGS for ISO 14001 – 2015 (environmental management system) and also from TUV NORD for ISO 9001:2015(quality management system) – an indication that the quality of the seeds produced are in accordance with these standards.

Q : What is the seed production capacity
A : The seed production capacity of OPRS-Topaz is quite large, at about 25 million seeds/year. Asian Agri currently uses only the best 10% of dura mater trees.

Q : How about the distribution of seeds?
A : Asian Agri uses 10-20% of seeds for internal use, while the rest are for external distribution to stakeholders such as farmer groups, independent smallholders, as well as to other plantation companies. The engagement with smallholders is in accordance with the policy of the Director General of Plantation.
The distribution of seeds in 2004 – 2021 (May) has reached ± 175 million grains or equivalent to the need for an area of 875,000 ha.

Q : Can Topaz be distributed outside Indonesia?
A : Yes, Topaz seeds can be distributed outside Indonesia and this is subject to the import / export permit application processes (whichever applicable).

Q : Is there a program for providing seeds to plasma smallholders?
A : As a company that cares about the well-being of plasma smallholders, Asian Agri sells Topaz seeds to smallholders. The seeds that we provide are pre-nursery (seedlings aged 3-5 months in small polybags at a price of Rp. 17,000 per seedling) and main-nursery types (ready to plant seedlings aged 11-15 months at a price of Rp. 45,000 per stem). Additionally, Asian Agri provides training in best plantation management techniques and best agronomic practices. These ensure high yields and harvest quality.

Q : Besides seeds, what else is being developed by OPRS Topaz?
A : Besides producing high quality oil palm seeds, OPRS Topaz has also developed several innovations, such as: increasing the number of bunches with high oil content; selecting a more compact tree to increase tree population per hectare with the aim of increasing production per hectare; clonal planting of oil palm for mother plants superior dura and fisifera and tenera with high production and other extraordinary characteristics; and selection of oil palm varieties that are resistant to pests & diseases and environmental stresses. In addition, we are also conducting research to develop endophytic trichoderma that can live in inoculated plant tissue. This test has been running for 1.5 years and the results thus far show that the immunization persists in the inoculated seedlings from the seeds.

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