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JAKARTA, KOMPAS — Generation Y is changing the landscape of corporations in Indonesia. Corporate culture, leadership style, recruitment matters and even employee motivational methods are changing, in line with the increasing role of generations born after 1980 in companies.

This workforce of late twenty somethings and early thirty somethings – commonly called Generation Y or the millennials – are pushing for great reforms in business management. This generation has different characters from its predecessors. They fluently adopt digital technology in the various aspects of business.

This changing landscape is confirmed by many people Kompas interviewed last week up to Sunday (13/3/2016) in Jakarta, namely Royal Golden Eagle Group director Anderson Tanoto (born 1989), Lippo Group director John Riady (born 1985), CEO Kevin Mintaraga (born 1985) and CEO Tyovan Ari Widagdo (born 1990).

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