Who we are

Asian Agri is a palm oil company that places smallholder partnerships at the heart of its day-to-day operations.

Asian Agri is one of the leading private companies in Indonesia, producing crude palm oil through sustainably-managed plantations.

Established in 1979, Asian Agri has grown to become one of the largest oil palm companies in Asia, managing 100,000 hectares of oil palm plantations in North Sumatra, Riau and Jambi, supported by a team of more than 22,000 employees.

We plant, grow and process oil palms to produce sustainable crude palm oil and crude palm kernel oil in technologically advanced and energy self-sufficient mills.

Corporate Shared Value

We believe that whatever we do must be good for Community, good for Country, good for Climate, good for Customer – only then will it be good for Company.

— RGE Chairman & Founder
What we do

Building partnerships with farmers is a central part of our business

Asian Agri partners with more than 30,000 smallholder farmers, helping them to increase their incomes while farming more sustainably.

We were one of the first companies to join the Indonesian government’s Transmigration Program (PIR-Trans) in 1987 in Riau and Jambi Province, and have expanded that partnership through our One to One Partnership Commitment by matching each hectare of our own plantation with one hectare of land owned by smallholder farmers.

Our Asian Agri R&D centre

Improving yields in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manners is key to our business, and is supported by the Asian Agri R&D Centre in Tebing Tinggi, North Sumatra. Established in 1989, today it employs 50 researchers and 150 research technicians specializing in agronomy, soil, pest, disease, breeding, biotechnology and tissue culture.

Custom developed seeds for higher productivity

Asian Agri’s Topaz oil palm seeds have been specially developed to produce higher yields, thrive even in marginal soils, and have slower vertical growth which means the fruit is easier to reach.

Protecting the environment through sustainable practices

Sustainability is central to our business. Our operations are certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, International Sustainability & Carbon Certification, and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil scheme. Through our Asian Agri 2030 commitment we will draw all our power from renewable sources, ensure net zero emissions from land use, and eliminate extreme poverty in the areas around our operations.


Hectares of company-owned plantations


Hectares of Plasma Smallholders’ Plantation


Smallholder farmers


Million topaz seedlings shipped




Palm oil mills
Our Business

Smallholders are an inseparable part of our business

More than 40% of Asian Agri’s Oil Palm Plantations are Owned by Smallholders.

Asian Agri manages 100,000 hectares across 30 plantations owned by the company, and about 60,000 hectares of plantations owned by smallholders. Asian Agri makes sure that sustainable development practices are applied in all operational areas, including in plantations.

Our business philosophy

Asian Agri believes that to be a sustainable business, all our activities must be beneficial to the community, country, climate, customer, and only then will it benefit the company itself.

Our stories at
Asian Agri

A career in
sustainable agriculture


August 30, 2024 in Press Release

In Support of Education, Asian Agri Provides Seedlings Assistance to AGI Oil Palm Vocational School

Pelalawan, 28 August 2024 – Asian Agri, through one of its business units, PT Inti Indosawit Subur - Buatan Group (PT IIS), has provided oil palm seedlings to the Arsya…
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August 26, 2024 in News Coverage

Tracing the Steps of Asian Agri in Accelerating Stunting Reduction Across Various Regions

wartakotalive.com, Jakarta – The acceleration of stunting reduction in children under five (balita) is a priority programme of the Indonesian Government, as outlined in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN)…
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August 20, 2024 in News Coverage

PT Tunggal Yunus Estate Carefully Acts to Reduce The Numbers Of Stunting in Tambang District

Halloriau.com, Kampar – PT Tunggal Yunus Estate - Kampar Factory (PT TYE-PKR) provided additional food assistance to children in Kuapan Village, located in Tambang District, Kampar Regency, Riau (15/08/2024) in…
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August 20, 2024 in News Coverage

Asian Agri and Tanoto Foundation’s Commitment to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Pelalawan Regency

Metroriau.com, Pelalawan – In a concerted effort to accelerate the reduction of stunting in Pelalawan Regency, the Regency Government, through the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control, and…
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Asian Agri